Main Drug Store Logo

Main Drug Store was first opened by Gordon A. Main (better known as Pete) in 1944.

Mr. Main was a recent graduate of Alabama Polytechnic Institute School of Pharmacy (Now known as Auburn University School of Pharmacy). Mr. Main served the people of union springs until his death in 1985. All three of Mr. Main's sons (Jim, Ben and Tommy) became pharmacists and have worked in Main Drug Store at various times in their lives. Ben and Tommy have both worked for 30 plus years each in Main Drug Store. Now Thomas Main (Mr. Main's youngest grandson) and his wife Julia A. Main (both pharmacists) have come back to work as a third generation of Main Pharmacists. From the first day all of the Mains have had one common philosophy: Provide the best possible care and services and to treat everyone, that enters Main Drug Store, like we would like to be treated!

Main Drug Store is a full service retail pharmacy that offers a complete line of healthcare related products. We have an extensive pharmaceutical inventory and provide a wide variety of pharmaceutical services such as: Vaccine Administration, Blood Pressure Screening and Monitoring, Blood Glucose Screening and Monitoring, Patient Education of many different disease states and their health management. Compounding prescriptions is another one of our specialties from IV to Transdermal compounds.

We also provide Specialized compliance medication packaging free of charge, so if you or a loved one are having trouble keeping all of your medications organized please ask one of us about the special packaging programs we offer. All of our staff pride ourselves in providing each and every customer with the best pharmaceutical care that can be provided. Another big advantage of using Main Drug Store as your Pharmacy is our in house charge accounts! As many of our customers know these services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

"Providing excellent patient care is the main priority here at Main Drug Store."

Thomas Main

    Additional Services

  • Diabetic Footwear
  • Greeting Cards
  • RefillRx Mobile App
  • Shipping Drop Off
  • Text Notifications
  • Vaccinations
  • Automatic Refills
  • Gift Shop
  • Immunizations
  • Medicare Part D Consulting
  • Simplify My Meds
  • Unit Dose Packaging
  • Vitamins
  • Prescription Refills
  • Durable Medical Equipment
  • Free Local Delivery
  • Assisted Living Facilities
  • Compounding
  • Pet Compounding

It is health that is real wealth
and not pieces of gold and silver.

Mahatma Gandhi